What should I tell my teacher?


The last couple of lessons we’ve been writing an analysis of a
short story. I took the work home and worked on it for a couple of hours
without result. I then just wrote something down and asked the
teacher if it was good enough. She said it was fine, but wanted to
give me some advice on how to get it better. I said that I just wanted
to know if it was good enough. Later I regretted saying that, and at the
end of the lesson she asked if I was pleased with my result, which I was
not. She then asked if I wanted to change something, and I said yeah kind
of. I could tell that she was a bit annoyed by that when she said
Why didn’t you want my advice then? However she said that she would read
it over the weekend and at the next lesson she would come up with a couple
of advices on how to get it better.
Now I regret saying that, because I really don’t have
the patience to work on it again. I feel like I’m wasting her time,
and now I’m asking what I should do. Tell her that the adivces were
good but I’m in no need of them and risk her getting really annoyed at
me? Ridiculously enough I’ve been having some anxiety because of this.
I really hate feeling like trouble lol. Any advices..?

Category: Tags: asked October 10, 2013

1 Answer

Don't be anxious, this happens to everyone! It's her job to help you out, but since that you made the teacher look over your analysis again, you should maybe make the effort to improve it. That mean, her work is not for nothing, and you'll feel better.