What should I do about self worth and trust issues?


It’s a fairly vague description, but I’ll go into a bit more detail; I’ve never been very social. I used to get beat up a lot, and I spent a whole year not saying more than a few words per day because I was scared of people. And I mean I was scared of anyone and everyone. I didn’t understand why people hit me so I assumed everyone had it in them. Keeping the whole world at arms length for a year… well it does things to you. I couldn’t speak properly. I got past that fairly quickly but I still have these ideas that never leave my head.

So really there’s maybe 3 things that I literally don’t go five minutes without thinking about one of them. My situation with the people who I consider to be the closest things I have to friends, the thought that I don’t mean anything to anyone and the thought that people exclude me.
These three things are basically the three things that someone could hurt me with. If you touch my friends, I don’t let it go. If you encourage the thought that I’m worthless, I won’t let it go. If you try to make people exclude me, I won’t let it go.
See, the thing is that I think I’m worthless, I feel like people don’t want me around and I’m always scared of that. When people tell me they care, I will always have some idea as to why they don’t, and worse yet I’ll argue the point with them. I argue with the girl I like a lot over this. For context, I know she doesn’t like me and she knows I like her. It’s a long story and a strange situation.

Anyway, I just want to be valued. I want people to want me to be around. I want people to care. I don’t know how to achieve that. I guess it’s really pathetic but that’s what I’m asking for help with here.

Category: asked April 5, 2014

1 Answer

It's not pathetic at all. It sucks you had to go through all that. I can relate to howyou feel and frankly, I know its hard. I think you should try to stop arguing the point with someone else. Like if someone tells you they care, no matter what, just try not to say anything andbe appreciative of them saying that they care. Its okay to have your guards up but I think some people don't like it when others (genuinely or not) argue over such things. Ofcourse, its easier said than done, but try. You shouldn't think that the whole world is against you. Remember, no matter what, there ARE people who care. About the wanting others to want to be around you and all, well I think alot of people want that. And it's okay. It takes time. These things need to be mutual. No matter how hard you try, the other person needs to open the gates to you as well, so that the two of you work well. So you can try being social. Say hi to people, try and talk to them. Maybe about a class, maybe about the weather. Remember, you need to make an effort. People are always afraid to make the first move but someone has gotta do it.. Things tend to get better then (: I hope I helped.. If you'd like to talk to someone or want someone to listen, don't hesitate to contact me! And remember, you're not alone. Take care, Goodluck! x