What should I do about my newly discovered half sister who i’ve never met???


Recently, my dad told me that I was in fact, not his first child, which is what I have always been led to believe. He told me that I have a half sister who is 2 or 3 years older than me, and was put into foster care after her mother cheated on my dad, and then abused my sister after he left. My dad hasn’t seen her since she was 2 years old. I know her name, I know where she’s from, should I try to find her…?

Category: Tags: asked January 3, 2014

2 Answers

Maybe you should talk to your dad first and let him know that you're interested in finding her before you actually do.
I agree with Samantha, you should talk about this with your dad before you start trying to look for her. You should also keep in mind that, if your dad allows you to begin trying to find your half-sister, she might not want to be found. Or she might not know about you either. But whatever you and your dad decide you also have to be considerate of how she feels also.