What should I do!?


There’s this guy in my class that I can feel has some interest or liking towards me, I’m very shy and not much talkative, I usually have to spend some time with people to get comfortable with him, and with only seeing him at the class and talking with him only on breaks (Which is not very much talking and he always start it) well, it’s not happening very fast. And these 2 last sessions I’m getting a feeling maybe I’m all wrong though he still shows that interests.
I lost a chance of being with someone I had some liking because of my shyness and all this. Now, I’m not even sure what should I do, on one hand I can see some points but I cant do anything about it, on the other hand I feel like maybe I’m wrong.

Category: asked May 14, 2013

2 Answers

You have to do something to let him know you are available and interested. You don't sound like the type who likes to flirt or be touchy-feely, so you have to make your presence known to him. As a guy, we work sort of off of echo location: We send out a signal, then wait for it to come back. If the signal comes back, we may very well pursue. However, if after a couple shots it doesn't return, we keep going until we find something that does. He's sending you the signal, just meet him halfway the best you can. Even if you're reading him wrong, what's the worst that can happen? Good luck!
Take a chance. Just start a conversation with him for once because that will should you are interested in him as well and then he might make a move. I am shy too and I have to take a deep breathe and then say hi how's it going. And let it go from there. If he talks to you and is showing interest, there isn't much harm that can be done. My experience with guys is, if they don't want to talk to you, they won't. Sometimes even if they do they won't because they are shy. But you have one that has showed interest and talks to you, so show interest back and talk to him first. Start simple.