What must i do? i am confused..


I am a confused relationship. In high school , there were two guys that showed me love. They really loved me a lot . I dated one of them and they had a fight for me. So after high school , i moved on with my life but they both didn’t . Even now that i am single , they wont give up on me . I love them too but sometimes i don’t feel them. i hate hurting someones feelings. i don’t know what to say to them . i am confused. i cant be in a serious relationship because of them. M problem is that i can’t say “No” . Please help???

Category: asked May 5, 2015

3 Answers

If you don't have any feelings for either of them, just tell them that you don't want a relationship with them. Don't let the fear of hurting them make you unhappy instead. That's not how a healthy relationship works. Both of you deserve to have someone who wants them as badly as they want the other.

Think of it this way, would they get more upset if things ended now, or if they found out further down the line that you did it for them, and not because it was what you wanted? They deserve to be happy, and so do you. It's not always easy, but then again the right thing rarely is.

You need to figure out what you want, and then go for it. Have a talk with them somewhere public and safe and let them know. If you want to move forward in a new relationship, you need to stop letting the past interfering with your present. Find some closure.
As much as you don't want to say no that might be the only thing that sets you free. You should honestly tell them you've moved on with your life and you'd like to keep them just as friends. Even if you have done this before it's best to let it out one last time just so you can have the comfort of knowing you put yourself out their one last time, you stated your point and now you can let go and continue to let them do what they ''think'' is best.
Listen...as much as it hurts you, you are gonna hurt some people's feelings one time or another in your life, even without intention, if they really love you then they would want you to be happy, because the way i see it, they are trying to force you to like them which is a selfish way. just say no, soon they'll be over it..highschool is a place where love will never last...so yeah....one way or another, they'll learn....just be straigh forward to both..i know you hate feeling that guilt, but being their girlfriend out of pity isn't love and just makes it even worse, so yeah...think about what i said...lates..(btw plz dates me mang! girls dont likes me...jokes jokes..just fuckin' with you, not literally tho because my dick is too far to reach you..well not as in far in long, i mean like we're too far away...but maybe if we were too be close.....hehehhehe jokes again jokes mang...)