What makes quitting using sleeping pills easier?


I will try to quit my sleeping pills next week to see if I get more energy, as the one I have now stays in the body for 24 hours, meaning you get tired/off at daytime as well. The last time I tried to quit using sleeping pills I couldn’t sleep for a week, stayed up all night and got more anxiety. I got pretty desperate in the end and I ended up using them again.
Do you have any tips to make it easier?

Category: Tags: asked September 13, 2013

3 Answers

addressing the underlying reason you cannot sleep in the first place...then address the addition to the pill problem...both will professional medical care.... at this point you need to see your doctor, pronto.
From what I read, weaning off sleeping pills can cause all of those effects. It's recommended that you don't just quit cold turkey, but, supervised by a doctor, continue to take them in smaller and smaller dosages, until your body becomes used to being without them. Sometimes additional medicine is necessary to balance the chemicals in your body, which your sleeping pills are currently part of.

Definitely see a specialist doctor about this before stopping your current medication.
I was taking 6 times recommended dose for mine for a period of time because they were having less and less effect. getting off them was hard. take it slowly and take off a bit of the dose per night, if you're taking pills you could cut them in half or something. it's ok to go in waves as well, like alternate which nights you take them instead of stopping cold. so you could try every other night for a bit, then every third night etc... the important thing is that it's a gradual reductionThe tricky bit is the first week/couple of weeks and then you'll adapt and get used to it. Good luck!