what kind of stereotype annoys or affects you negatively


if none then what kind of stereotype do you find, just ridiculous
remember the stereotype goes beyond race and gender

asked October 21, 2013

1 Answer

I haven't been personally affected by it, but it does apply to me and it could affect me, if that makes sense. The stereotype that lesbians still want men. The porn industry has sexualized lesbians to no end to the point where men cannot grasp the fact that gay women only want other women. This sort of sexualization has made it's way into mainstream media as well. The lesbian couple most of time do not exist for their love story, rather the girl on girl scenes, or very sexy flirting that really appeals to male viewers. They just can't possibly believe that lesbian do not want men. It's kind of a homophobic and misogynistic attitude that we need to get rid of. It's a pretty extreme stereotype, but stereotypes lead to ignorance (because it's widely believed and the truth is swept under the rug), and ignorance leads to discrimination (because we fears things that we don't understand or aren't considered normal). So yeah.