What is wrong with my sister?


I have been feeling for a long time that I actually hate my sister. It sucks because there are actually great things about her ie. She has a funny personality, she is ambitious in life, she is giving when she has money, etc. but when it comes to opinions… she attacks you if you don’t agree with her. I mean verbally. There’s so much to write it is so hard to get it all together. She has always forced her opinions on other people but lately it has been much worse. The reason for this is because he is going through an abusive relationship with a guy she also had a son with. However, she has always been this way too. Anyway, I don’t feel like I should get treated like shit just because she chose a shitty baby daddy. He pushed her into a closet before she was even pregnant with the guy and he left her at a club one time. Like who stays with someone like that? Anyway, today we were eating breakfast with the family and she is full of herself and began to say how she has photographic memory to which I laughed and said no you don’t. She doesn’t remember anything! So, I find that pretty funny. And then she starts attacking me about the meaning that she “googled” and what other people of google say it means. When she argues she gets manipulative and gets you confused on what you were arguing about to. One of those.. anyway she doesn’t understand that she just has a memory that is capable of thinking in pictures. But she gets so upset just because I corrected her on what it really means but she won’t ever admit that she is wrong. Like ever. And we end up getting in a screaming fight and I walk off because she doesn’t stop. I just don’t think I can deal with it anymore. This is just one example but she does it all the time. She is so toxic and fights with everyone. I like her but then she gets like this and it makes me hate her. Usually I don’t say much but sometimes I stand up for myself and thats when we get into huge fights. Obvs have to stand up for myself, can’t always back down. More about the fight, she starts to say I think I’m smarter than everyone else, I’m a bitch, yada yada. She just attacks if you go against her. Any advice? I do like hanging out with her when she is normal but I am so sick of how quick the day can turn to shit around her if you say one of your own opinions. HELP

Category: Tags: asked May 25, 2015

3 Answers

You need to sit down and basically tell her what she's doing. If you don't lay it out right in front of her face, she won't even recognize it's going on. Offer that she might need to go to counseling to know how to work well with others and how to speak her opinion in a civil way.
A lot of people feel this way about their siblings. it's actually not normal if you don't. but don't worry about her opinions, if she's wrong, she's wrong. it's not your problem, hers. especially because she gets so stressed over it. that's her own anger issue, it has nothing to do with you. when she gets like that don't even bother, there's no reasoning with willful ignorance.
Your sister's confrontational behavior could be a sign of a deeper problem. The fact that she is going through an abusive relationship is a highly relevant point; she could be lashing out because of her abuse. I recommend that you gather your thoughts and calmly talk to your sister, ask her if she is alright and talk to her about her life. She obviously has a lot to say, so give her an outlet. The more she talks, the more you will learn about what's possibly troubling her.

If you'd like to discuss this further, my inbox is always open at blahtherapy.com/members/blackholehead