what is the best way to come out to people?


Im bi and I want to start putting myself out their as such I just don’t know how to do so unanonymously

Category: Tags: asked July 25, 2014

5 Answers

when i came out to my mom that i was straight she just had to grow to love me for who i am again. it shouldnt make a difference.
I wouldn't exactly suggest to just tell everyone all of a sudden. If you don't know how to come out, wait and maybe someone will just ask you, or they'll notice someday. But if you really want to tell people about it, because it is bothering you to keep it to yourself or whatever, tell one person at a time, see how they react, if they're supportive etc. and then when you feel comfortable start telling more people about it. (Or tell someone who you know will spread the word, that COULD work too.)
Start with a close friend or family member. Someone you know who will continue to love and support you, as they could help you in many ways. Best not to tell everyone all at once, unless you want to get it out of the way, nice and quick. If you're nervous or scared about coming out, take it easy. Start with one or two people who are close to your heart. Then slowly expand to a small circle of friends and/or family. And after that, if you feel you're ready, and that you now have the confidence to tell everyone you think should know about your sexuality, then go for it, hun.
As for actually coming out, I've heard many fun, creative ways of doing so. Bake a cake for your friends and/or family and decorate it with the colours of the bisexual flag. Or those one-liners like "This ruler is straight but I'm not.". I even heard of someone who ordered a pizza at a party and told everyone that it's for non-heterosexuals only, and took a big bite. A friend of a friend came out as gay by making a super glittery card with the words "LEGALLY GAY" and a picture of them on it. Another one I heard over the internet was to get everyone to participate in a scavenger hunt, and tell them that whoever wins gets to be the first one to know that you're bi.
I truly wish you all the best in coming out. Good luck and take care!
I'm gonna be completely honest and say "coming out" is the stupidest fucking thing. Parents should not be assuming their kids are straight until they're told otherwise, it's just ignorant. When i first started to really come to terms with my sexuality, around 8th grade, coming out was the more confusing than finding myself. it was so fucking dumb. So...don't. Unless it's something you think would really contribute to come to terms with yourself.