What is the answer?


I’m so fed up with my life, and I don’t know what the solutions to all my problems are.

In short, I’m depressed, lonely and housebound, and I can’t cope with it anymore, it is driving me up the wall. I take antidepressants which do nothing for me anymore, and I don’t know what kind of help I should ask for to help myself.

My whole life feels like a waste and I have no idea where to turn.

Category: asked February 26, 2014

10 Answers

Is there any way you could see a therapist? I think a therapist would be a lot of help. I'm incredibly sorry that you're feeling this way. I know this feeling all too well. Maybe your antidepressants are too low of a dose. I think you should see your doctor and talk to them about the dosage of the pill. It's possible your body got used to it.
Thank you for replying.I've seen therapists before and I found them to be useless, don't know why. I think its possible that I have gotten used to my tablets again (it happened before when I was on a lower dosage)
I suggest seeing a doctor about your dosage. Also, this is going to sound very cliche and stupid, but try to have a positive outlook on things. Try to see all the positives in everything, even if it seems like it's all negative.
I don't know what sort of therapy you've had before but if you haven't tried it before I would honestly recommend hynotherapy. It was the thing that helped me out of all my problems and gives you a natural, healthy way of dealing with things. Like others have said try and be positive, I know it's hard but you just need to think of the good things, and surround yourself with good, honest people that you can talk to.
I've had Cognitive Behavioral Therapy sessions in the past, it was mostly to try and get me to leave the house. Funnily enough, one of the CBT therapists I has sessions with told me hypnotherapy didn't work, but I'll certainly inquire about it. I wish I knew where to begin with positive thinking, stuff like that doesn't stick with me for long, I'll always end up bringing myself down.
I really think that it's personal opinion, different methods work differently for different people. I had counselling and it was the worst treatment I could imagine for me, when others swear by it. But you can always try! I completely understand, there were times i believed I would never get better, but rough patches don't last long if you're active with them, you need to fight through them give yourself something else to focus on, and honestly you'll see a day where you think "how did I ever feel that way".
I drift between good and bad patches so often, can take the smallest, stupidest thing to get me down - I have idea how to stay away from the bad patches.
Well I completely agree with Toxic Chemical, hobbies are always good. Getting yourself immersed in something else will help take your mind off things. As for your life being a waste, that is so far from the truth. You were given life for a reason, just like everyone here and you'll find your purpose, I promise. And of course there are always people here to keep you company, you're not alone.
Maybe if you had someone positive in your life then you would feel better. And through hobbies, you could find people to grow bonds with. In your case, even if you could, just go on an adventure of some sort discovering new places. Try new thigs. you never know whether it was all worth it in the end until you try.
throw the meds....remember there r people in worst case sinarios hence b +ve man......if u got no 1 to talk 2 pray man