What is going on with my friend?


Alyssa has a few problems. We cannot tell if it is hormones or she is mentally insane. She feels alone a lot, but says she feels watched. She talks to herself often and says she hears voices in her head. Her mood shifts are wild causing her to cry often and/or hysterically. She then seeks help but still feels alone and wishes to commit suicide. Again, she feels watched so she cries every time she hears a creak or sees a shadow. Her boyfriend once told her he saw the “spirit” or demon she had been seeing (that is watching her). He had details about it that she never shared with him. He said the spirit choked him. Alyssa cries often and then says she blacks out but in her mind she is somewhere else happier and is convinced she is really there. She said it feels like she has never lived before. Once she comes back to reality, she cannot remember anything she did while she blacked out but she remembers her dreams. When in reality she is freaking out her friends by calling them crying and begging for help (she cannot remember doing this). This all goes on while she is in her dream or happy place. She always regrets leaving her body but does not know what is wrong with her. Opinions?

Category: Tags: asked May 25, 2014

4 Answers

Sounds like Delusional Disorder. I don't have it that bad anymore. But yes, the happy place is her place. That's where she escapes. I had one of those. I got the black outs too. I don't remember HUGE chunks of my childhood, the confusion, yes, I get that too. And of course, the feelings of being watched or easily freaked out. Huge imagination, that gives you. She should write, she'd be awesome at it. But yes, it can freak you out. So maybe she should consider talking to somebody? I mean, they're still confused with me right now. Not an exact diagnosis really. I mean, the suicide thing. Yeah, that too. Everything you just said about your friend I've been through. Just, talk to her. Maybe get her to talk to a counsellor. I've had one since I was 7.
Maybe you should talk to someone about her, like a parent or a counselor. If you're worried about her, it may be best to try and get her help, especially if she's suicidal. You should definitely continue to support her through it, since it sounds like she is trying to seek help. Do your best to talk to her or to someone else about her to help her.
I think your friend suffers from a mental dissorder. It could be paranoia (because she feels watched and hears voices) or depression (because she feels alone and suicidal). I recommend you to tell an adult, maybe he/she can help you and your friend.
Alyssa should really see a professional. A counselor or a psychologist in all likelihood. This sounds pretty serious and not at all healthy for her or anyone around her. Encourage her to see someone, maybe even a doctor because they can make referrals to psychologists and psychiatrists. And make sure you have someone to talk to also. Worrying about a friend can be very stressful. I suggest talking to a parent or a teacher or a counselor if at all possible. Good luck and I hope you both figure this out.