What happened to this site?


This site was really cool. I logged on the other day to like 80 people on though, and most of them seemed to either disconnect seconds after connecting or looking for sex… This site was always pretty cool. I liked the idea that I could do something to help a complete stranger out. Idk Just a little rant I guess I don’t like how so many new people are on here just trying to ruin this site.

Tags: asked June 24, 2014

11 Answers

Buzzfeed did send me to this site, and I find it very helpful. I wish the pervs and trolls would just leave people that need help or comfort alone >.<
I lost my Q&A rep because of asking the exact same thing :(
Report all trolls and people looking for sex. Three reports and they get bumped off the site. It will cut down on trolls and get us back to our baseline of good listeners.
Buzzfeed bump, it will return to baseline soon.
Yeah somebody got on here earlier and asked me if I was from Buzzfeed. I was a bit sad as a listener, usually only seeing 7-8 listeners "holding on" and today I saw 50. Oof, quality over quantity!
Buzzfeed. Definitely Buzzfeed. There are a lot more trolls around here - so much so that I had to delete my account and restart.
Hate it I stopped coming to the site but I am back those trolls will leave us alone soon enough
Buzzfeed featured it in an article
I'm new here... funny i found out about it from buzzfeed :/ I got to help someone out today as a listener. I love this site. I hope it gets back to what you guys know about it. I'd hate for it to crash right when i get introduced!
I find it weird i just joined before this all happened. I helped a few people that day. Now I've been getting sexually harassed, and having vulgar language used on me more then normal. It's ridiculous.
The site itself is fine, the trolls come and go. Vote them and move on. it comes with the territory. As long as we, the users, stay vigilant and report abusers, we can mostly keep the site clean, though in my personal opinion, Admin needs to implement a moderation system.

I would moderate BlahTherapy for free.