What do you do when you think you love two people?


I’ve liked this guy for a year. And he has helped me so much. He helped me when I was depressed. He even talked me out of killing myself. And we were such close friends. He would always talk to me everyday. Now, he barely does. And it’s been weeks. I’ve been have so many strong feelings for him, but I now I feel like he doesn’t like me. And I should give up. At the same time, recently, I’m starting to like my friend that I’ve known for 5 years now. And the worst part is he likes me too…..I do like him. But at the same time I don’t want to. He makes me so mad over nothing. I punch him and he hits back. But it’s not so bad. He says I shouldn’t like him because he’s a bad man. Bit I do like him. And I also like the other guy. What should I do?

Category: asked August 11, 2013

6 Answers

im not sure about the first guy, but the second relationship sounds totally abusive and harmful. regardless of who's hitting who, thats not a relationship you should be in.
First of all. Stay away from the second guy- you don't want/need an abusive relationship. However, the first guy- I totally understand because I'm in the exact same situation. The best thing to do is to ask him how he feels because that's the only way you'll ever know.
To be honest here,I don't see that the first guys loves/loved you though,just being nice to you,and helpful,which all good friends should be like.
Perhaps because he is just a friend,nothing else from his point of view,then something has come his way and he is now involved in that.It would have been nice though that he communicated this to you.May be if you want a friendship still from him,call and talk to him about it.
As for the second guy,others have mentioned about him being abusive to you,but if i read this right,you actually punch him first and he retaliates.Is that right?.
I think that perhaps you should sort out what you want in a guy and look for those things in another person.
You did say..besides knowing him for 5 years now.... "And the worst part is he likes me too…..I do like him. But at the same time I don’t want to". Then don't be with him!.Don't put yourself in any situation that makes you uncomfortable.Find new friends,and dont rush into any thing.
Good luck!,but i do not think you are in love with either of these guys.
From someone who is in the same boat as you, I can honestly give you two options.Option one; leave them both alone, go ghost and the first one to reach out to you and check up on you is the one who clearly cares.Option 2; go with the 2nd option, because if you really loved the first guy there would be no second guy. If you stay with the first guy you will forever have the second guy in your heart, if you stay with the second guy you'll always remember how good the first guy was to you.Best of luck to you. <3
“if you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.” -Johnny Depp
I was going to post the same quote that Leah posted until I read your description of the second guy. I honestly think that you should leave both of them. Any relationship that includes physical abuse of any kind is NOT healthy. Find somebody completely new.