What do you do to relieve stress?


I’m recovering from self harm and I’m really stressed out and I need a new method if coping with stress and feeling dead inside.

Category: Tags: asked April 3, 2014

4 Answers

I personally work out or go for a run when I'm stressed or feeling sad. It helps relieve the pressure from my mind.Talk to someone you trust, or even to nothing at all. Try just venting you worries to someone or something. Even if they don't tell you anything helpful in return the mere action of getting that information/problems out can help relieve some of you stress.(If you need someone to vent to you can always message me and I would be happy to try and help you with your situation)
I agree with The Invisible Healer. I usually go for long runs as well. I do things that make me happy. Most of the times, I blast some music and clean my room or I write, read. I play the piano or I sing. Or I get on here and instead of venting, I listen. I try helping others and it almost always helps me. You could talk to someone or vent on here as well. Just try distracting yourself or make goals and try to finish them (: Goodluck! x
I LOVE baking when stressed! The smell of vanilla and sometimes cocoa can relieve my stress. I also have a sweet tooth so eating after baking would be a great pleasure. I do this with my family. I love how they appreciate the cakes and cookies I make.What the other two said really does relieve stress according to research although I would like to add that the most effective way to de-stress differ from person to person. In my case, I find the act and the product of creation more rewarding.
I have panic disorder and stress is not my friend. One way I've been taught to manage it is to follow a progressive muscle relaxation exercise. It takes about 30 minutes, but it does the trick. The particular kind I do involves laying down, closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and then begin tensing and releasing groups of muscles. I'll lay out the process incase you want to try it, or find your own version somewhere.Make a first with your right hand and push your elbow in against your side. Hold, notice the tension for 6-10 seconds, then release. Tense 80% relax 100%. Give yourself 30 seconds to let the tension go. Do that twice, then do the same with the left arm and hand. Raise your eyebrows next in the same pattern of 10/30 sec twice. Squint your eyes, wrinkle your nose, and pull the corners of your mouth back in a grimace (twice). Raise shoulders to your ears twice. Pull shoulders back like you're standing at attention twice. Tense your stomach twice. Point your toe toward your head and tense your upper leg (each leg twice). And finally curl your toes and point them in toward each other, but for less time as they might cramp. Give yourself time afterwards to feel your body relaxed and daydream a bit. Then take a deep breath and open your eyes.I've fell asleep doing this before. An anxious or stressed mind has trouble existing in a calm body. Hope this gave you some ideas. PM me if you have a question.