What do you do for fun?


Been bored for the past few months and I find myself looking for something exciting to do, or I feel adventurous most of the time.
I wanna know what you all do for fun, most of which doesn’t involve money coz I ain’t got that lol, I know some of you got some ideas to share :)

Tags: asked March 25, 2014

6 Answers

For me its blowing up a balloon and throwing it around and pillows work just as well
I'm all about reading or playing video games when I have the time. They cost money initially though, unless you have a library card or a friend that is hella into gaming.
I personally enjoy reading, writing, and drawing. It does require money but you should look into keri smith books.
sleeping. lol.here's a list of free fun things i wish i could do: - stargazing - walking in the morning (i'm not a morning person) - doing crafts with used materials - having a long chat with my besties - draw a complete picture, and many more.
Alot of people think that you need money in order to have fun hobbies. This is Lies! Some of the things I love to do are Jogging, Reading books, D&D Sessions with friends ($1.50 for dice), Play Piano, or even just catch up on sleep! ^_^
I read books from the library, I like to listen to my favorite songs and take walks. I'm really into drawing and baking, but that sometimes cost money.