What do I do about my feelings of incompetence?


I have turned down many job offers because I feel like I’m not good enough (even though I passed the exams and interviews). I also dropped out of college even though I had good grades because of this gut feeling that I will screw up eventually. I just have this strong sense of impending failure.

I am a slow worker because I keep checking whether my work is accurate or not. And even when I suspend my critical mind while working, I’m still slow. Plus, I make mistakes.

I don’t know what to do with my life anymore. I just feel like my life has no direction anymore and that the best thing I could do is kill myself so that I wouldn’t be a burden to my family. What should I do with these feelings of incompetence?

Category: asked November 16, 2013

5 Answers

So I'm guessing these feelings of unworthiness and fear of making even little mistakes some how is rooted in your relationship with your family. First you need to realize that there's nothing wrong with making mistakes. Everyone makes them. You also need to forgive yourself for struggling with this. It sounds like it's really been hammered into you some how that you're just never going to be good enough even when things are looking good. Recognize that this is a lie. Even if things wind up not going how you planned there is always something positive to be learned from the experience.Ask yourself what do YOU want. What makes you happy? Please do not kill yourself. You sound really smart and like you have a lot to offer!Anyway, I might be wrong about the family stuff. Either way, the fear of failure came from some where. Try to figure that out and go from there so you can overcome it and walk in confidence.
What you have here is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're afraid of failure, so you've prevented yourself from accomplishing things like getting a degree or a job. So effectively you are setting yourself up for failure. It sounds like you might have perfectionist tendencies.... do you think so?
You said that you turned down jobs because you didn't think you could handle them, but they wouldn't have offered you the jobs in the first place if they didn't think you were qualified. Maybe the jobs you've been offered just have more responsibility than what you feel you can handle right now? Perhaps it might be easier to find a job with not a lot of responsibility, something a little more laid back perhaps?
You say you're afraid of failure, but that's exactly what you're going to encounter if you don't stick up for yourself and fight through these difficult tasks. Getting a degree is hard work, but you need it to secure steady employment for your future. Having a job can be hard work, but you need to start somewhere to get to where you eventually want to go. And most importantly it's okay to make mistakes! We need to make mistakes to learn, everybody makes mistakes and if you make one, I'm sure people around you will be understanding and help you to make the corrections you need. I teach piano lessons for a living, so I'm constantly working with students to fix their mistakes. The first thing everyone has to learn is that mistakes WILL happen, and it doesn't matter! That's what lessons or school is for, for you to learn how to fix your mistakes and keep going. One of the other important lessons I teach my students is that if they make a mistake, just to fake it and keep playing. So my advice to you is, to let yourself make mistakes, try to enroll in classes again (maybe just part time), maybe get a low impact job and just take it one day at a time. Remember, every time you make a mistake, it's a chance for you to improve. Mistakes are good! If you learn from them, you'll never make them again. Mistakes will always be there, they can be scary but if you can learn to cope, then nothing will be able to stop you. Feel free to message me anytime! Good luck! V
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Maybe this sounds clichéd but failures are stepping stones to success. It is true! No matter how much you may disagree now or how much of a fairytale it may seem, it is true. And don't give up! What have you got to lose? I know it can be absolutely disheartening and nothing seems to motivate you. So what if you're slow? You're at least trying to be perfect. You'll pick up speed eventually. Your life will find direction. Hey! Wouldn't it be extremely boring if your whole life was plain, following just one direction? Maybe its time to stop for a while and look around you and smell the sweet roses. Try to do something that scares you till you manage to overcome at least a part of that fear. It is an amazing feeling when you do conquer you fear! Just imagine... One late night, you come back home from outside and a window that you closed is open, you're scared but as soon as you move a little closer someone from behind screams at you and yells "Surprise! Happy birthday."Okay maybe its not going to happen that way, but you never know till you try right? Try talking to someone about this and tell them what you want to do, how and when you want to do it. Tell them what's stopping you. Even if they seem insignificant, words of encouragement do come in handy.Good luck!! <3
Just wanted to add, wanting to kill yourself is nothing but self -love, just misdirected. If you feel you have hit bottom and there's nothing left to fight for, maybe that could be a good place too. When you can accept what life has dealt you and realize you don't have anything to lose, maybe you could start being fearless and act like "yeah, what do I have to lose." That's what happens with people who enters contests where the stakes are high. Sometimes when you are willing to give up the 500k that you didn't have to begin with, then and only then do you open to yourself the possibility of winning the 1M.
well first of all, accept the fact that life is not fair, we all have our little quirks wirh how we do things, if you are able to, get into threapy for tour quirks and learn to work with them , use them to your advantage, and also your self sabotage, give yourself a break and stop overthinking everything,...just do what your paid to do and stop thinking about it....they aer not paying you to think