What do guys really want?


This is probably such a corney question, but how can you easily talk to a guy in public (or make him talk to you) without looking weird or coming on as creepy? So we made eye contact, and we both seem into each other and what not, but bro…just ask for my number already! I need at least a little bit og advice on this. I have absolutly no problem with actually talking to guys I know and will have no problem communicating with them after we’ve met. Honestly, not to sound cocky or anything, but so many guys do message me wanting to get to know me, but I’d rathet meet him in person and all. Helppppp

Category: Tags: asked June 27, 2013

1 Answer

Take control. Ask him if he wants to catch lunch sometime. Lead up into by talking about a common interest. If he's attracted to you he won't hesitate to get to know you better. But he's being shy, he most likely will stay that way until you open the door for him; some dudes are just like that.