What can i do to stop fighting with my dad?


hi so im always fighting with my dad and were always saying horrible things to eachother and i want to have a normal relationship with him but it seems like things will never be the same hes always yelling at me for the most simplest things and im only 14 i dont know what to do. i tried doing everything he wants me to do but it wont work. i just think he hates me and he even threatened to kick me out. Any Advice?

Category: asked August 17, 2013

2 Answers

I used to fight with my dad a lot when I was your age. I ended up going to therapy to help me figure things out. In the end I had to accept my dad for how he is because he is never going to change. If it's like that for you, then you're the one who has to do the changing. But if you think he has the ability to change, then perhaps family counseling could help? Somewhere in your interactions you guys aren't seeing eye to eye, and counseling could really help.
supercell is right......and im sorry to hear about your situtation.