What can any one do about people who talk to you like this.


I am wondering how often we need some one to listen to us or we just need to find some one and yet we have a listener who isnt going to win my vote.

I know that we all are different,we are all from different backgrounds,and perhaps do not all know how to address people appropriately,and we come here as listeners to try to help others the best as we can.BUT….

I was trying to find some one I got disconnected mid way a conversation,so thought id go and try and find the person.What i got was…the introduction “whats bugging you” well im sorry but that isnt a helpful way to start any help to any one I believe,then when i said i was trying to find some one that i got disconnected from and I was then told”Just tell me what’s up”

Sorry but this doesn’t help in any way!.We need to just think a little,we dont know who could be thinking of doing what on the other side and what this may feel like for others.

I am just trying her to be helpful.I dont know how you all think,but its not something that make me happy to come across this.

I know there are some great people out there,but please just perhaps think a little before you offer to help.

asked August 27, 2013

3 Answers

Some people will be inconsiderate, some will listen before answering. Unfortunately, -- and I guess fortunately as well, -- everyone is different. Everyone shares themselves when they are ready. If someone is forcing you to share something and you don't feel comfortable doing it; just leave. It's unhealthy to be in an environment like that, and share it with us here, like you just did! ...Or whenever you're ready. We'll be here to listen. :)
When you get connected to someone who you don't like or aren't getting along with, you just simply disconnect and move on. You don't have to stick around and put up with it to be nice, they're the one supposed to be helping you, you aren't obligated to stay. We are all different and we all have different expectations of what is and isn't socially acceptable in various situations, and sometimes, our expectations and someone elses expectations are going to clash. The best thing to do is just move on and find someone who you can connect with, and they will so the same also. I'm sure they had the best of intentions though, but I understand you were looking for a specific person. (Tip: Try the Missed Connections group if you're still looking, they may be there, or could see your post).
When I go on listening I usually just start beiing nice and friendly and subtly ask them if anything is wrong and if they want to talk. I have noticed when I went onto the vent option there were an amazing amount of rude/blatant people. Sometimes I have to remember that not everyone is trained in complete politness neither am I but it would be so much better if people started of how the site suggests by introducing yourself.