What are my chances?


I have been hanging out with a girl for a year. It started out that she was teaching me her language as part of a uni club but we meet alone once a fortnight and just speak English with no pretense but each others company. Not only that, we don’t meet at university, but rather at cafes and restaurants.

She is the only girl I’ve met with my sense of humor and we build off each other and have a lot of inside jokes. She texts me after every meeting saying “I really enjoyed hanging out with you. Lets catch up again”.

So I asked her out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and she came and we enjoyed ourselves. I foolishly didn’t call it a date, so I tried to hint that it was during the night, and when I did she brushed it off. Later she sent me a text saying “I had a lovely night, thanks for shouting me, we have to catch up again soon so I can repay you.”

So I told her I liked her and could we call it a date next time and she told me I was a special friend to her and she didn’t want to risk ruining that, plus she has feelings for someone already (she’s never mentioned it and I haven’t seen anything on fb), I said that’s ok I’m just glad she still wants to be my friend.

2 weeks later she told me she wanted to get together again. We had fun and at the end of that she said “lets get together again next week too” which we did. On that day we went for a walk after lunch and sat next to each other on a bench looking over the ocean and talked, but I didn’t want to push anything so we got up after talking a while and I went home.

Is this salvageable? It feels weird for a friendship. A little too intimate. I mean we don’t have any mutual friends or anything, and we know about each other’s family and what not.

What are your thoughts?

Category: asked September 12, 2013

1 Answer


I'm with @Gail with this one, The treatment for this issue is simply by Time.

Let time take it's course, and I'm sure overtime you'll be able to learn how she feels and never end consistent line of communication. As it will serve you to understand both sides of the situation. It seems she likes to hang out, and your best solution for the time being is to simply stay as a close friend and hope things progress for the best.

Best wishes to Ya!