What am I (to be)?


Entering high school, this question has made itself present now more than any other time in kindergarden on Career Day: “So, yeah, what are you planning on doing when you get older?” It’s now a perfectly normal question. — I just don’t have a response. As an Honors student, this tends to put the interrogation of my future to an abrupt halt. What do I mean I “don’t know”? (My guidance counselor and parents and well-wishers have said to follow my heart [whatever that is].)

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I want to do. There’s so much I want to do I want to do it all, but know that ultimately, I won’t.

Category: Tags: asked October 15, 2013

3 Answers

You don't have to know yet! You're still at the stage of life where you don't have to make a one-off decision. You don't have to know until after college! College, I think, is the best time to really explore different fields of study to figure it out. So don't stress. Best of luck! -a Junior in college who still doesn't know.
Some people have always known what they wanted to be, ever since they were little children.

Some people don't find their own perfect career path, until college.
Some people don't know what they want to be until after college.

I know of a woman who didn't discover her passion until she was middle aged.
Her name's Pat Brown. She's a criminal investigator and profiler. I've read one of her books. And she's brilliant in her field.

Most people, at some point, will think that they know what they want to be.
But then later, they discover something new. And it causes them to change their path.

One of my college psychology professors told us that about 70% of all college students change their majors at least once.

The point of all this is that you don't need to rush.
You're young, right? I bet you still have a lot of time yet to decide what's right for you.


NO one is forcing you to make the decision now . If you don't know now ,you will know later. You can always change what you are doing if you made a wrong choice. SO dont worry about it and just be your self , do what you love and what you feel you want to do .