What am I? (gender issues)


When I was born, the doctor looked between my legs and declared that I was a girl. Ever since then, I have always thought of myself as one and have been happy with that. But I’ve never been happy with my body. For a long time I’ve always wished I was born as a boy, to have a male body. But mentally I still consider myself a girl. What does this mean? What am I? I’m so confused…

Category: Tags: asked November 30, 2014

4 Answers

Here is a basic list of gender identities that may apply to you. I understand the need to put words to how you feel. Maybe spend some time thinking of how you act, and feel. See if dressing differently feels right. Spend some time with male and females, to see who you identify with more, if at all. It's never to late to find yourself.Androgyny: (1) a gender expression that has elements of both masculinity and femininity; (2) occasionally used in place of “intersex” to describe a person with both female and male anatomy.....Bigender: a person who fluctuates between traditionally “woman” and “man” gender-based behavior and identities, identifying with both genders (and sometimes a third gender).....Cross-dressing: wearing clothing that conflicts with the traditional gender expression of your sex and gender identity (e.g., a man wearing a dress) for any one of many reasons, including relaxation, fun, and sexual gratification; often conflated with transsexuality.....Fluid(ity): generally with another term attached, like gender-fluid or fluid-sexuality, fluid(ity) describes an identity that is a fluctuating mix of the options available (e.g., man and woman, gay and straight); not to be confused with “transitioning”.....Genderless: a person who does not identify with any gender.....Genderqueer: (1) a blanket term used to describe people whose gender falls outside of the gender binary; (2) a person who identifies as both a man and a woman, or as neither a man nor a woman; often used in exchange with “transgender”.....Third Gender: (1) a person who does not identify with the traditional genders of “man” or “woman,” but identifies with another gender; (2) the gender category available in societies that recognize three or more genders.....Transgender: a blanket term used to describe all people who are not cisgender; occasionally used as “transgendered” but the “ed” is misleading, as it implies something happened to the person to make them transgender, which is not the case.....Trans-man: a person who was assigned a female sex at birth, but identifies as a man; often confused with “transsexual man” or “FTM”.....
If I were you I would consider myself a girl because of your physicality, but if you want to be identified as a boy, you can change the way people see you. There's a girl at my school who has slowly become a boy without changing body parts or anything. Everyone calls her Felix now. Of course, it's all in your personal preference. Just call yourself whatever you are comfortable with.
Do you really have to know what gender are you? It is not a thing that you need to know ASAP. You are you, you can just do things, that you like, wear clothes you like, do what you want not thinking about your gender for now. When you free yourself, you can see who you really are, so you can figure it all out later.
Maybe you want to be androgynous? Androgyny is when a person shows both stereo typically feminine and masculine traits at the same time. A well know example is Andrej Pejic who professionally models for both men's and women's fashion. 'Androgynous' can be a gender identity in itself (like boy or girl) but it is usually gender expression (like a tomboy [masculine girl] or a boy who wears dressers). When you say you wish you had a male body do you mean you wish to have an actual male body or to just not have a female/feminine one? You can present yourself as in between and still be a girl. Contrary to popular belief there are no rules when it comes to gender and you can do whatever you want. Whatever you feel is valid and okay. As others have said though, take your time. Just get to know yourself. Maybe do some research of gender and gender expression (including androgyny) and see if anything starts clicking. I hope this helps. xx