

Im not fat, only 140, I know I don’t have room to complain, but i just been gaining and gaining and i try so hard. I tell myself I’m gonna get up and get some exercise, eat healthy, blah blah blah. But what do i do? Sit and do nothing.

Does anyone have some tips or ideas to help me get to losing so weight before this extra 20 pounds turns to and extra 200 pounds?

Also once again I know this must sound narcissistic “oh no i’m not skin to the bone” I’m just saying I know as a teen my metabolism is good but starting to slow some, and at this rate i’m gonna be much more than a little pudgy in some places in a few years. I just want to get started before a little extra turns to a lot.

Category: Tags: asked April 30, 2013

3 Answers

There are various ways to losing weight.You can make your portion sizes smaller. Snack less. Eat less junk food. Eat more fruit. Cut out sugar. Become more active, so going for a walk or jog everyday.Im very similar, I eat pretty healthily, exercise daily but I keep gaining weight. That's because the level of carbohydrates in my diet is too high.So you just have to find the right one for you!
I found that walking everyday,Eating homemade fresh foods and drinking water helped significantly.At my worst I weighed 175 but in less than two months I dropped down to 145.I still have a little ways to go to get to my ideal weight but I'm happy with the results. Good luck
get your refrigerator full of vegetables n fruits..dont eat past 8 pm, dont forget breakfast..drinks a lot of plain water every day