Was moving in with my best friend a mistake?


Since moving out and then moving in with my best friend I haven’t been feeling the best. Her and I used to be able to joke around all the time, but now I don’t even want to talk to her. She’s used to having a very full house while I’m not (Me growing up pretty much an only child) so she doesn’t really get that I like being alone and then I end up snapping at her because she doesn’t leave me alone. I want to stay friends with her but everything she does is starting to irritate me more and more each day. I just really don’t know what I should do. I don’t want to say anything because I’d feel horrible for it but at the same time I know that’s the best way of handling it..

Category: Tags: asked October 27, 2013

3 Answers

If you truly feel like you cannot live with her maybe having a roommate wouldn't be the best for you and you could do it in a way that can preserve the friendship. Hopefully she'd understand.
Just an update, we actually sat down tonight and talked for a looong time and I think it really helped.
First of all know it's a whole responsibility to go live alone with someone and that kind of makes it stressy for everyone and you also get to know people better because people are different once you get to live with them. Talk to your roommate about how you feel about it and what you have problems with and try to find a way in the middle if it doesn't work and you still keep having fights one of you should leave and if that happens just talk about it later on and just stay best friends because living together is for everyone hard at first so just talk and see how it ends