Valentines Day mini-miracle?


Well, I’m sure some of you feel like crap on this particular day. People rubbing on your face the chocolates everyone else received. Well, I’m doing this anonymous thing on valentines Day and I need help on wording it. At 8:45 am, just before school starts I’m (with the permission of a teacher) I’m going to sticky-tape 92 chocolate s on all the lockers so no one feels insecure about not receiving a valentine. Anyway, I had an idead of stapling a giant home made anonymous valentines card explaining why I did this… but I need to word it so it doesn’t soumd too wierd. I also encourage anyone planning on stealing my idea :-)

asked February 2, 2014

2 Answers

Try something simple like: Valentines Day is about recognizing the ones we love for who they are, but why stop there? Share a little love this Valentines Day, because somebody out there wishes this chocolate was from you.Good luck and great idea. Spread the love.
I love that idea, i just might steal it. for the card, keep it general, "Happy Valentines day!" "To All my beautiful, smart, awesome friends" i doubt anyone will criticize the card too much ;)