Unfortunate relationship situation


I’m asking this for my friend who posted this on another site, however in this description of the situation, I’m the one known as J :-\
“I’ve gotten myself into a situation in which I need many more opinions to help come to a conclusion. The explanation makes me sound like such a horrible person but here we go anyways ;-; I made some new friends, they shall be referred to as J and S (J being male and S female). I had come to be very friendly with S and she asked if I had feelings for her, I told her yes (because I do) but that I’m not ready for a relationship. Later I found out J also had similar feelings and I had those feelings towards him too, I had hopes it could work out (although I am not openly bi and he isn’t openly gay so it would be difficult for the both of us) and I would much prefer this to being with S, but I cannot bring myself to tell S that I can no longer be with her in the future as I know how much that will hurt her. I want to be with J but there are many complications including how to tell S and the fact neither of us are out of the closet. If I was to be with S though I would be letting J down and I don’t want to hurt him either, also this is his first time with relationship type stuff so I don’t want to put him off. I really don’t know what to do about the entire situation and I feel so bad for doing this to both of them, I would just like someone else’s opinion on the matter so I can try come to a conclusion. Any help at all would be appreciated so so much.(sorry for bad formatting, am on mobile)”
We’d really appreciate help, neither of us really know what to do :-\

Category: asked May 18, 2015

1 Answer

All I can say is... Do what you feel is right. Do what your heart wants.