Unable to ask for help/need help


I have a lot of trouble asking for help/asking for someone to listen while I talk through problems I have because I worry the other person is too busy with their own stuff to help. Probably because they are. I have friends, but it tends to be pretty one-sided, with me listening to everything from them, and not getting to discuss what’s going on with me at all. Generally, when I do directly bring a problem of mine up, people will nod, and then change the subject.

What should I do?

Or, is there anyone on here who would be willing to listen occasionally? On a regular basis, ish? I have chronic illnesses, and struggle deciding whether I should hang out or sleep, whether I should do my work or sleep, how to get through a day that I know will be really painful and how to deal with the aftermath of putting myself through it, that kind of stuff. It’s not the illness I have trouble with, it’s the decisions. It’s trying to live my life that’s tripping me up. You don’t have to know anything about illness.

Tags: asked November 17, 2013

2 Answers

I wouldn't mind listening to you. I have the same problem with my friends, so I can understand what it feels like to be ignored or not be taken seriously like we provide for others. If you'd like I'll friend you and we could talk about what's going on. :)
Just like Katie, I wouldn't mind listening to you either. You can add me as a friend if you like. Just send me a pm whenever you feel like talking. :)