

I am very sexually attracted to a guy that I used to date. We broke up a few years back but we continue to talk on a daily basis. I find myself staring at him and fantasizing about what we would do if we were alone. I constantly dream about the things I would do with him if I had the chance. I can’t tell if I love him or not. All I know is that if we were in a room together naked… well.. you know. Am I crazy for having these thoughts?

Tags: asked April 9, 2014

6 Answers

It's normal but if a guy spent his time doing this to you, you wouldn't be necessarily flattered, so go for it, or if you not plan to do it, try to limit this daydreaming.
well, I dont think you are 'in love ' as per say but you could be sexually frustrated and attracted to him more as 'lust' than love . Also , these thoughts are caused by heighten anxiety and hormone - so if it really bothers you try talking to him and you will notice . Also when you love someone you dont have to get into their pants to know ;) lol
One more thing , you aren't crazy for having these thoughts- its rather normal to have about someone who is sexually attractive to us - however that doesnt mean that we 'love ' them. ;)
Mostpeople at some time think about some one like this and dream of being with some one they are acracted to.
It is normal,but not love though,you are fantasizing about you apeal for him not for your love.
Some pople think because they have thoughts and dreams like this that its a one sided love ,but its just simply sexual attraction.Nothing wrong there though.
Well if you're not looking to go there with him any more, I would advise distancing yourself from him because if the right opportunity were to present itself, as you said - you'd probably give in. What is it you are looking to gain from this sort of relationship? Sometimes it's next to impossible to be friends with an ex.
Not crazy at all. Completely normal.

If you can reasonably carry out a sexual relationship with him, go jump him if he's single. If things would get too complicated, start distancing yourself. You can't be inflamed with lust for someone you can't see.