Thoughts on Polyamory????


my wife used to be in a Polyamourous relationship before we met with her ex husband. She says that she is ok, that that is something that i am not interested in my life at this moment, but i know it is something that is still on the back of her mind. any thoughts on Polyamory???

Category: asked August 22, 2013

5 Answers

wow, i can tell you that for some thoes thoughts never really go away.....for some, its not a choice but its who they are.......i have to say one should trust what their spouse tells them unless there has been just cause not too, in which case there is not much of a marriage left to work with.
I, personally, don't believe that there's anything wrong with polyamory as long as all parties are aware and it's a safe situation, but everyone has a differing opinion. I think it may be best for you to have a good, long chat with your wife, maybe find out some information about this past relationship if you can handle that emotionally and see where you stand from there. The best thing you can do is tell her where you stand but be non-judgemental, even if you personally feel uncomfortable about it.
I think polyamory is okay, while not a personal preference, I respect that we have personal freedom and choice over our own lives. Monogamy and relationships are social constructs with rules that we just made up but it's not going to work for everyone. Just as in monogamous relationships, in polyamorous relationships every person needs to be full aware of the situation and voluntarily participate in it. Don't worry that she may do things behind your back because polyamory and cheating are two very different things that don't coincide. If this is bothering you and not just a curious question, you should talk to her about it, wouldn't hurt to talk about it even if it doesn't bother you. Communication is very important in relationships. Be honest about how you feel on the subject, don't let us make you feel like you have to like polyamory either, you're entitled to your own opinion, but try not to be judgmental.
I think being poly is fine for people who are comfortable with it, and never to be forced on people who are not comfortable enough to try it themselves. Sounds like she's respecting your boundaries and not going there, so it should be fine. Sounds like she's making the *conscious* choice to be with you and you only, even though she's experienced being with more than one person in the past. You're obviously the most important to her if she feels that way. :) (I have not been poly ever but I have been around people who were, and it led to me seriously thinking through how well I'd be able to handle it if I were.)
I am sorry! I have to disagree with every one here.It is so wrong!!!!.There is no room for loving more than one person in your life,.
What has happened to the sacredness of a marriage union,or any union between a man and a women that love each other.Sorry But you need to talk to her how you feel,that you do not want this.
She needs to respect you as her husband .Some may read this and say "for better or worse",you took those vowels!etc ,but...never should any one ever feel to lower their standards.This was her past,let it stay just there where it belongs.
Dont lower your standards or allow her to change your mind regardless of your love for her.Talk to her.. let her know you love her but want this to be in the past and you and you only are her now and her future.
Sorry to be so blunt,but I truly feel your married is sacred and it should be treated as such. :-)