That moment when you realize your dreams will never come true…


I recently had a realization that it would actually be impossible to achieve my dreams. Literally. No matter how hard I worked, or what I did, I would never be what I want to be. And I guess I sort of had a breakdown over it and I can’t get over it. How do you deal with a realization like this? What can I do?

I’m just getting older. I’m 21, only did a semester in community college and dropped out. I did well in high school. I just spent all my school years keeping to myself. I did a school play or two and joined a tennis team, so I wasn’t lazy. But I feel like I should have done more to prepare. Like I wish I had been the actress I could have been, but I know it’s too late. Even if I did pursue it now, I’d be way past my prime before I got the goal I was working for.

Category: asked December 5, 2013

7 Answers

I think what everyone said above is very valid, but also, is there a slightly more achievable version of your dream. Say, if you want to be an Olympic athlete, you could still compete locally. I know it's not the same, but it'll feel better than completely giving up your dream.
You're only 21, and you think your dreams will never come true... You've only lived 25% of your life so far, if that, most of which was spent growing up and learning. A lot of actors are brought into acting through family ties, so they can get in earlier than most. However a lot of actors are in their mid 20's, 30's, etc. Just because you aren't an actress at 18 doesn't mean you're not going to be one. The only way to achieve your dreams is to get out there and do it, pursue it actively and reach your goals. The longer you sit there saying "I'm never gonna achieve my dreams or my goals" the longer it will take for you to actually achieve them. It's easy to self doubt, but it awards no good feeling. It's hard to motivate yourself, but it rewards all good feeling. I'm sure you'll do splendid as an actress, just get out there and do it. There's no time like now to go out and prove yourself wrong.
what kind of dreams do you have? hope this isn't too personal
What makes you think you won't be able to achieve your dreams?
Ok with the first 2 responses, what kind of dreams?and you should never dout yourself. Would you like to hear some success stories? I personally was obese as a child and now am on my way to setting a world record in a sport. Also the president of the USA was at one time homeless and work his way up to being president. Do don't kid yourself, any thing is possible, it just might take more work than you had anticipated but that will make the reward that much sweeter!!! You can do it! :)
Fran Awesome Insight :)
Remember what Fran said, shoot for the moon even if you miss, you will still be amongst stars :)