Survivor,but Timid


Well, I realized today when I was at church how much I still hated being touched (A man rubbed my back) even months after being sexually assaulted by a family member. I can’t handle it. I felt like surely since it had been a while, if I got touched even slightly by a male it wouldn’t kill me like it used to, but it did. I still feel unclean about it and I just can’t shake this feeling. How do I stop being so timid all the time..

Category: asked December 14, 2014

2 Answers

It's understandable that you feel this way after what's happened. You might consider to talk about this with someone who could help you. You lost your trust in males and you're uncomfortable when they come too close. Make sure to set clear boundaries and if you're uncomfortable with something, kindly point out that you dislike what that person is doing.
Ok I'm sorry that something happened to you, it is horrible and no one should have to live through it. This does leave some pretty major scars on your long term life. I can not speak for you because I'm not you. But in my experience it doesn't get much better. It has been four years for me and I still flinch when people touch me. It does get a bit easier to handle though, the fear I feel has gone down so much in these last few years. Still when something catches me when I'm not expecting it I start to have a panic attack. Like the other person said setting clear boundaries is helpful. It can help you feel safe around males. Really what I've found to help the most is, explaining what makes you uncomfortable to other people and trying to build up your trust of other people (easier said then done I know). Not trying to pressure to, however if you wanna talk send me a pm and I'll try to help as much as I can.