Staying Angry?


I’m not so good at controlling my anger, but it goes both ways. I mean, I get angry when I don’t want to, but when I want to stay angry, it’s like I’m too tired to. And when I’m angry, I actually feel like I can accomplish stuff. When I’m angry, I have the willpower to do stuff. I really want to stop being fat and hit stuff, get strong, but that’s hard when I can’t be assed. How do I stay angry?

Category: asked January 25, 2014

5 Answers

in my opinion anger isn't something you should try to use to get things done, like getting in shape. because it will make you into a person that gets angry to handle their problems and that could get out of hand if your not careful. try to positively motive yourself, remind yourself how good you will feel and get excited about things instead, it will make you a more positive person rather than a negative one.Good Luck
I've heard of people using anger while pushing for the last rep in weight lifting, but I've never heard of someone using it to diet for 3 months. Will power, habit and a decent diet system will work better.
its not so much the anger that helps you get things done but the reason behind the anger. emotions are just motivator and while anger will help you get things done it will also mean whatever's making you angry is not resolved and that can be bad, very bad. find out what is driving that anger and use willpower and other more positive emotions to get things done
I can understand that anger can be a motivator and can protect us from some hurts- I have had it like that myself and enjoyed it. So I think it is fine in the short term. But it will probably eventually wear you down. And even worse it can become engrained in you and you will find yourself angry at people and at times when you really should not be, and don't want to be. So be careful.
Now that's a good attitude to have! Angry is better than bored or complacent, angry gets shit done.
Just find something that makes your blood boil. Read into third wave feminism, look at articles about black people murdering white people on a daily basis but we nearly had a race war over Trayvon Martin, think about all the stupid bullshit that one nasty ex did to you.
Think about it. Think about the lies people told you. Think about the shit people have thrown at you. Think of the times ever single damn person on Earth waited in line to leave their footprint all over your face.
Now think about proving them wrong.