someone i care has eating disorder but i dont know how to go about it?


My Girlfriend has a hard time keeping down her food and i want to help but how exactly do i go about it?

Category: asked February 2, 2014

2 Answers

Ah i've been in this situation before. It's a hard thing to do without taking cation that your every move might hurt her. take baby steps. in my situation, first i made my boyfriend agree to eat one small thing a day (he has anorexia) for a few weeks. then two things a day, three, etc. Support is also a very big factor. Hope all goes well. (:
It is so hard to watch someone you care about going through something like an eating disorder. I recommend just fully showing your girlfriend that you are here for her and that she can talk to you anytime. Let her vent and get everything out before you offer advice. She probably really needs someone to listen to her, more than she needs anything else. Never issue threats, like if you don't eat, I'll be mad or I will not stay with you. Many people do that with the best of intentions that it will help their friend, but it just makes them feel more isolated and want to do the dangerous activities even more due to stress. Distract her, make her feel loved, and listen to her. Also, ask her ways that you can help. Maybe she has something specific in mind. I know she will appreciate your support during this difficult time.