

When you hear society what comes to your mind? I’m doing a project and need help here. Anything to do with or about society would be support supportive. Any quotes, comments, anything.

Category: Tags: asked October 24, 2013

7 Answers

i think of people and their morals
I think 'conditioning' :| Isn't society just a set of rules with really high positive feedback It's self-validating and there are hardly any checks and balances. Like i said, conditioning....
I think about the news, politics, superficiality, social rules, etiquette, etc.
When I think of society I think of slavery. o.o
When I think of the word "society" is standards. Society makes people believe that they should be this or that they should be that. If they aren't skinny or if they aren't a zero, they aren't accepted in this society. Society makes people into things that they aren't and it's sad. If you don't have the fattest ass or the biggest boobs, what's the purpose of you? If you don't have the prettiest face or teeth, you're ugly. If you wear a zero 6, you're fat and need to lose weight. It's just crazy how society does this. Society paints a vivid picture that if I ain't this then I ain't yada yada.
When I think of society I think of a herd of sheep with wolves as their shepherd.Passive acceptance of everything, no critical thinking. Just as long as you "fit it".
broken promises