So, there’s this girl…


… and, well, I kinda like her… only trouble is, she’s way, way, WAY out of my league. As in, she’s smart, cute, funny, friendly, outgoing, popular, drop-dead gorgeous, and just about anything else you could name, whereas I’m… well, I’m an ugly, awkward, shy, twitchy nerd. We’re close friends, but I highly doubt she’s ever considered me ‘boyfriend material’ – but on the other hand, she’s always said I’m a great guy, and she told me once that I’m ‘more attractive than most of her friends’, but I was feeling pretty low at the time, so I’m kinda wondering if that was just to cheer me up or if she actually meant it ._. then there’s the fact that she mentioned a while back that she “wasn’t looking for a boyfriend”, but things she’s said/done since then seem to indicate she’s changed her mind, but I hear her talking to her friends about guys, but never mentions me, and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad ._. I’m terrible with girls, I’ve only ever had one relationship, which ended terribly, and I’m about as socially awkward as they come, so as you can probably imagine, I’m a tad out of my depth – any advice would be appreciated, thank you in advance ._.

Category: asked February 2, 2014

5 Answers

I think that you should definitely tell her how you feel when you think the time is right. I know exactly how you feel, I'm kinda the same way. You'll never know until you actually try and if you don't take up this opportunity you have now of telling her how you feel, you might not get another and you may end up regretting it in the future. So don't miss your chance while it still exists! Even if she doesn't feel the same way about you or if she doesn't want a boyfriend, at least you'll know the truth about how she feels. It's better to know the truth for certain rather than just live in a delusional dream (although some people would debate that). So if you would really like to be in a relationship with her then just go for it. =)
Awee. You seem like a nice guy. Just tell her how you feel, since your socially akward get her when she's alone and tell her. Don't get our hopes up to high (Make sure you have confidence) because maybe your right maybe she just sees you as a friend. But If she does make sure you worship y'all friendship & don't let it get akward.
Aw, this is so cute. Just tell her how you feel, friends are supposed to be honest with each other right? If she's a true friend, she'll be honest back and if it doesn't work out the way you'd like, don't dwell on it. It's a cliche but there are SO MANY other girls in the world. Good luck!
There are so many instances where sweet guys miss their chance because they didn't say how they felt before the girl gets herself caught up in a different relationship. Take it from someone who has been there. Tell her how you feel. Who knows, maybe she feels the same way too but doesn't want to risk making your friendship weird. To be honest, the friendship wouldn't even have to be weird so long as if it was not accepted as something she wanted to pursue, you left it go. If you could tell her how you feel, and then let it be that, you could potentially have your cake and eat it too. Even if that means you're not dating her, she would have that thought in the back of her head for later on and you wouldn't have that nagging "what if" thought in yours.
You should totally talk to her, tell her how you feel, you can get a big surprise, make an effort it's totally worth it. Be sweet to her all the time, and show her how you feel abot her. GOOD LUCK!