so scared


First of all sorry if my spelling is bad and if this makes no sense, but i just been out with a few friends having a few drinks and what not, anyways i decided to go for a drink with some work mates i didnt want to stay out for long cause i wanted to see my room mate that just got out of hospital any ways there was this new guy there that ended up buying me a drink. i remeber drinking 3 pints all together which is nothing cause i can hold my liquor really well but i flet really strange after the 3rd one so i decided to go home. i live an hour bus ride away and it seemed days, i dont remeber but i fell asleep and ended up getting up and the last stop and which istn too far ffom my house. while wlking up a hill to get to mine this guy followed me. his english was great but we still carried out a full convo next thing i knew his hands were down my pants i told him to get off of me but it took some force to do so i ran to my house but i saw him outside after. my room mate is pissed off with me cause i got home late i tried telling what happened but it seemed like she didnd care. the guy is gone but im terrified to go to sleep

Category: asked July 12, 2013