So, if these are my symtoms… Um, what do I even have?


Signs and Symtoms, (hah, I guess lol)

* I hate blank pages, they freak me out so i have to write something on them really quick so they aren’t blank anymore.
* If i plan something, like an outfit or lunch or painting, it has to work. If it doesn’t I either freak out chuck it out.
* My future is like my life. I need the right country, I need the right clothes to go there, the right room before hand and people to come with me.
* I rely on the number of shoes walking past me sometimes or something like that to make decisions for me.
* When i have money in my hand or something, I put it all in order from biggest to smallest.
* If my hair is bad then I am going to have a bad day.
* A page of my story deletes and then I really cannot keep writing for at least a while cause it’s just so freaking urgh, it’s all messed up.
* I can be sort of obsessed with labels sometimes, ideas, words
* I used to have a habit of spelling words out in the air and i still sort of do it sometimes to calm myself down.
* Constantly tapping my foot too, also an outlet for panicking.
* i can’t handle anything i can’t fix or put away.
* I get panic attacks where i can’t breath properly and I’m usally shaking and i dunno, like spasming weirdly or something. I feel really dizzy and fall over sometimes too.
* I replay conversations in my head about a million times finding other meanings for things i said or should have said and i used to be worse about it and have to edit and rewrite anything i was going to say in my head first before i said it out loud.
* When i was younger I’d have to look in the mirror to make sure I wasn’t faking. Faking a smile, faking crying. And even then I wouldn’t fully beleive it. I was just too used to faking that i wasn’t sure what or how much i was faking anymore.
* I beleive in signs and things and I see things sometimes. Like, I saw the car when i was older and my mum was there and there was blood all over me. Like I was seeing the future or something. I’m not sure if i was???
* Black vortexes, I see those a lot
* One time i panicked because i could hear voices outside and footsteps and I hid in the toilet room (cause it’s the smallest) and stayed there until my mum got home.
* I have a special number, 6, for everything. Pills, you take six and something will happen. It’s funny cause it’s true.
* I have blanks and I forget things and fade out in times
* I get confused a lot, so much
* If other people say it enough, my memories will change over an event and I’ll lose how i really felt then.
* I constantly obsess about people dying. How they will. If they have? What i would do if it did happen. Not that i want them to really. I mean, I don’t think too much about wanting or not wanting it to happen. Just what would happen and how i would react.
* I have a weird fear of being shot.
* Sometimes I feel so depressed and down that I honestly can’t hear what people are saying to me or anything. Like I’m in a bubble.
* Mostly when i can’t deal. I recite to myself what someone else would do, and do that.
* I create stories, characters, with personalities so easily adopted to my own. It sometimes weirdly freaks me out when i can’t gather insight into other people’s motives or lives like I’m able to in my stories or in a movie. Weird, I don’t know why i find that so strange.
* Can’t cry. Honestly, I almost never do.
* I have yeah, been into some pretty not great behaviour towards myself but it’s not an addiction because I don’t feel an urge to do anything and I’m not obsessed, I’m more obsessed with the idea that I’m not obsessed, and that’s making me obsessed.
* It’s like, when something bad happens it’s always there. I don’t want to let it go because then my pain wall rises so far I’ll never know when to reach out and ask for help. I don’t know my breaking point. I guess for some people, their breaking point is just death.

Category: asked June 15, 2014

5 Answers

You certainly sound like a complex and interesting person. Have you thought about discussing your symptoms with your doctor? They may be better able to offer a diagnosis.One question worth considering - to what degree do these symptoms impede your normal day-to-day life? That would influence any doctor's diagnosis.
The first and foremost question is, do you feel that these symptoms are causing undue distress for your every day life? Are they hindering your ability to perform every functions? One of the most important things in assessing whether if we have any disorders that need to be treated is to separate normal behavioral "tics" from serious indicators of an underlying psych issue. I definitely suggest consulting a psychologist or counselor if the answer to the opening question is yes. Otherwise, it may be good to try to relax and assess if these tics are just part of what makes you unique.
i felt this exact same way for a really long time, although i would be obssessed over slightly different things, at the time, for me, it was mainly anxiety, although this may not be the case for you
You have signs pointing towards obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar mood disorder, and schizo-affective disorder, but the constellation of symptoms has a lot of overlap (hence why professionals have to diagnose them over time and through observation and interaction.) I strongly urge you get evaluated by a mental health professional. Tell them everything.
A lot of those sound like me.. My psychiatrist hasn't told me what's wrong with me, even though she already prescribed a drug for me and it's working great. Hope it all works out for you. c: