So I like this person


I like them but I don’t think they’ll ever like me back… I feel as if I mean something to them but I’m not sure… What should I do?

Category: asked October 7, 2013

4 Answers

You have to have the confidence in yourself to know you are worthy of their attention. If they don't choose to like you, know that it is their loss and you will move on and be just fine.
Take a deep breath, walk up to them, say "hi, I like you, would you like to go out sometime?" and accept whatever they say. If you get it out there (and yes, I know it's really, really impossibly hard), the worst that can happen is they'll say "no", and the best that can happen is they'll say "yes, let's do this thing" and go out with you. If you don't? You'll wonder "what if" for a long, long time.
Life is about taking risks, go up to them and ask them. It wont hurt anything