Smoking weed? is it really bad?


i really wanna smoke but i really shouldn’t i could get drug tested bc of school and im going to a club in 3 day i know i might end up smoking any tips to help me not smoke ps i smoke bc im stressed

Category: asked August 24, 2014

3 Answers

If you're smoking because you're stressed, you might want to look into other, healthier ways of letting out that stress because depending on a substance can lead to addiction. While I haven't seen any solid proof that weed kills brain cells or anything like that, I know that addiction is a silent predator and if you rely heavily, it will take over your life. No one should ever judge you for making your own life choices as long as you're safe and happy, and it's healthy for you. Addiction isn't healthy. Smoking weed isn't bad persay, but you should be smart and conscious about and of it. Be safe, and I hope you find a way to relieve your stress.
its actually good for you physically with moderation. but legally dont do it. i have actually gone into study with it, and most of the claims of how it is bad for you, actually all of them are false. its just like the second hand smoke kills you thing that went on. if you do your homework all the lies become apparent. but even with that i would say dont do it it has to be legalized first (i am not a stoner just a person who has done legitimate study. if it says "some scientists claim" it is likely false. example: there was a time where people believed katchup wad a cure all because "some scientists" said it.)
Well, cannabis and tobacco are both really bad for your brain. there are two risks at factor here- Addiction and developmental disruption. Addiction should be obvious. It's always a risk. Addiction can lead to other drug use, and eventually potentially death. So just for that it's not a great idea. Developmental disruption. The brain isn't actually done growing into an adult brain until about 25. any sort of exposure, especially direct exposure, to tobacco and marijuana smoke can inhibit that development. Yet another reason not to smoke. ALSO. THERE ARE SCIENTIFIC STUDIES THAT STATE THAT MARIJUANA USERS LOOSE UP TO 20 IQ POINTS because of their smoking. Smoking makes you less smart. long story short. Smoking in general is a terrible idea. Cigarettes kill one in three users due to lung and heart complications. Don't, please. Your body is your sanctuary. For better or worse, you're stuck in it for the rest of your life. Treat it well.