Should I stay??


So, there’s this guythat likes me. Anyways just to fast forward through all the unnecessary things, it’s been a while and I just don’t know whether or not I feel “it” anymore. He’s very clingy and always gets upset with me over ridiculous things like not texting or calling him that day. I used to really like him, it’s just, I’m not so sure I do anymore. He’s super sweet and never rude, sometimes he just causes unnecessary drama. I’m not a drama person and don’t do well in dramatic situations. I don’t know if I really like him or just the IDEA of him. I’ve always wanted a nice guy, and now I have one. I don’t want to lose him, but I feel like I’m trapped. I just don’t know what to do. I know this is REALLY confusing but if anyone could just give me some insight or if you’ve been in a similar situation??

Category: Tags: asked August 2, 2014

3 Answers

It sounds like right now you're not sure whether to get into a relationship with him or tell him its not going to happen. I wouldnt make either choice because someone on here says you should. No one knows what you're feeling better than you. Just keep an open mind and hang out with him to see if you're feeling change for him.
If you're having second thoughts now, then you probably shouldn't. The nice guy persona can be a farce sometimes, especially in the beginning. If he's already over protective and clingy now, and causing "drama" then what happens when you two are in a real relationship?
Lemme tell you about a thing that helped me. I'm just gonna say I'm not a promoter or anything, you can check out my history on here or whatever makes you sure if you feel I am, but I really wanna let you know about this. See, to cut the ****, I struggle with this stuff myself. I always worry and the like in relationships, all the time, and I'm a little athazagoraphobic (scared of being ignored, forgotten, left behind, not being important enough to people, etc) so I really don't do well with people in the first place and have self-worth issues. I can go on, but anyways. Me and my partner got together at the start of summer, and I don't trust summer because it basically always ends bad over summer. I wanted to make that change, so the night things went bad, four weeks in, I looked about for help. I'd seen my mom watching these Ted Talks things (she's a trained neuro-linguistic therapist so she knows her stuff) and when I found a guy that was well credited I payed him attention.See, this guy Bruce, he says that like everything else with our bodies, love is evolved, and so it exists to help us survive and reproduce and take care of our offspring. Nothing else matters to biology. So how does love help? It keeps us adaptable and ready to change to suit a situation, like how you can keep a muscle ready to work by using it. After any time between two weeks and two years, a relationship can go from the romantic lovey-dovey stage with all the love hormones to the power-struggle stage. I hate that name for the stage cause there needn't be a struggle for power as such but anyways, it basically involves a sudden feeling of lovelessness, panic about that, arguments, a lack of love-goggles (those weird things that make us ignore all our partner's flaws) and so on so forth. Bruce specializes in helping couples that get stuck in this stage. I'm studying what he does and using it in my own relationship. I spend a good few hours a week doing this. After putting some smaller NLP techniques into practice alongside his advice I've made my relationship safe and stable despite an attempted suicide and a related death, two weeks of being on the other side of Europe to her, and all of our personal issues. His stuff works. He knows his ****. Just do yourself a favor and make the effort to save things and just look at his site a bit. You don't need to pay anything for anything except for 1 to 1 coaching. I strongly recommend signing up for the free set of vids he E-mails you. I watched just the first one alone and fixed everything when my relationship was at rock bottom in a single night.I really hope this all helps you and that you live and love and thrive and enjoy your night or day. With hope and kind regards, ~L