should i stay with her or go back


Well me and my ex broke up about I think like 3 weeks ago, and I got into another relationship, and my ex’s recent one didn’t work out and we were a good match just didn’t work cause of stuff but we talked last night and I was so happy to hear her lovely voice and talk to her, but tbh I miss her but I’m not one to up an leave a girl or cheat, but I still have feelings for my ex, there’s just a lot of feelings left but I’m in a new relationship, and something weird happened I was just sitting and I saw something she gave me and it brought back some memories and feelings, but I just started to think about her, I just don’t know what to do, I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place, so if I could please have some really useful advice please, I don’t know what to do, but I miss her

asked August 25, 2014

1 Answer

well I think you haven't given yourself enough time to get over her, you've just rushed into another relationship, and that is not a very helpful thing, I must say. I mean you owe it to yourself, and the girl you are with, whom you apparently like, to just have some "you" time first, to get over your ex, focus on yourself, and maybe see what you really want. At this stage you don't need to mess things up more, you don't need more complications with some other girl, even if you do like her a lot, because you will end up hurting her and yourself more. I think you should take some time off for yourself, and heal, then you will be ready to start out fresh again.