Should I reconnect with this friend?


I ended a friendship a couple years back because this friend was smoking way too much pot and became too reliant on it. I’m not into that lifestyle and thought it would be best to stay away, especially once she started peer pressuring me into smoking pot. (I never gave in.) After I heard of a traumatic event that happened to her, I decided to contact her again to see how she was. However, I have heard from a reliable source that she now smokes coke and has done acid. Should I still attempt to maintain a friendship or end it once and for all?

Category: Tags: asked December 31, 2013

3 Answers

What I would do personally is let my fruebd know that I am there to help, but i wouldnt get too involved or they may end up peer pressureing me.
Hello there, Jess :)

I bet this is a really important friend for you, right? I've never been through something like this and I'm so sorry you and your friend had. But I'm sure about one thing: she may have a reason why she's smoking and doing all those things. People don't do that kind of things just because, there is always a 'because'.

So I think you shoud try to recover that friendship and help her out of it. Try to talk to her and hopefully she'll listen and be aware of the dangerous lever of what she's doing. Maybe she's the one being peer pressured at that time and that's why she tried to drag you too.

Just don't give up on her. She needs you more than she'd like to show you ;)

Much love, Meshu
I had a similar experience with one of my best friends from childhood. He smokes pot and occasionally (as far as I know) does acid. A few years ago, when he and I talked regularly, I made it clear to him that if he was going to do these drugs, I would not allow him to pressure me into doing them and I didn't want him doing them around me. It actually helped for a while. We no longer speak to each other. So that would be my advice, just talk to your friend about it and let them know you don't want anything to do with it. If your friend continues to try to pressure you, I wouldn't go around them or talk to them anymore. That's just what I did though and I'm by no means an expert on this kind of thing.