Should I quit my job for my husband?


My husband lost his job last year. He hasn’t been able to find anything, and has moved out, to do part time work in another town. Him and his family have decided that my daughter and I need to move to join him in the small town. His mother and him both call me, telling me I need to move.
I have a few issues with this: I work full time. It’s a stable job, I don’t make tons of money, but I make more than some. I don’t feel I should have to give up my full time job, move to a smaller town with limited job opportunities for his part time employment. I work in print and design, and work can be hard to come by in small communities. Im concerned I’ll end up working somewhere I don’t want to. My husband doesn’t drive, I don’t think moving somewhere without public transit is a good idea. If he looses this part time job, then what do we do? Also, We found out I’m 4 months pregnant. I wouldn’t be able to look for more employment for a while now.
He says keeping our family together should be the most important thing, and I’m being selfish staying here. I keep going back and forth on the issue… Am I being selfish? Of course I want to be together, this is hard on both of us, and I’m struggling here trying to raise our daughter, work full time and coping with this pregnancy by myself. I feel moving is putting us in a worse situation? The positives to moving is we would be an hour closer to family, it would be easier to visit. Should I move with him for his employment, and try to look on the bright side or are my fears justified?
I love this city, I love my job. I do feel like I’m being a bad spouse by not sacrificing for the family. This is causing me so much stress.

Category: asked March 20, 2015

3 Answers

To me it seems as though you have already made up your mind and put a lot of logic into this situation. I feel that if you move you are jeopardizing the financial stability that you family has particularly if your husband is only working part time. Personally I feel it would be unwise if you moved as this is where you have a job that you love in a place that you love that is secure and provides enough for your family and your husband needs to accept that it is the best thing for you and overall your family. And maybe when he earns enough money he can start too look for some jobs back where you live even if it is just working at a coffee shop or something for the meantime just to provide a little bit of income until he finds a "proper" job. If I was in this situation I would stay in my town and I hope this advice helped! Good luck! I hope all goes well.
Personally, and please take my opinions with a grain of salt, I think your fears are justified. You have a job that you seem to enjoy, and you have a nice, stable life. You shouldn't have to give that up just to keep your husband happy. Unless making your husband happy will ultimately make you happy, then that's a valid reason. But if moving there will cause you to get a job you hate, think about is it worth it? A solution may be to help your husband find work more local to you. His pride may be hurt, but if you are happy where you are, and he's only working part-time any way, that means he probably doesn't have quite as permanent a situation as you do. His moving makes a lot more sense than yours, to be quite frank.
Thank for for the replies. I feel better knowing my reasoning makes sense