Should i keep waiting?


I have known this guy for about four years now and we have become best friends. I really like him and he knows it. We almost dated once and then something happened, later he told me he just didn’t feel good enough for me. He definitely is a guy who talks to girls and knows what to say. He’s said before he wants to marry me. We flirt and play around all the time. We have shared so much with each other, specially our time. He has been through a lot in life as well as i have and we’re just pretty close. He’s my favorite person ever. I really like him, a lot. I can’t imagine not having him around. He doesn’t do well with serious conversations so i cant really ask him. He makes hints about marrying me, spending life together, having kids together, and just everything. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to keep wasting my time waiting for him. I mean i still want to be his friend but i just dont know if i should move on or not. I mean i have liked him for as long as i have known him, four years. I know this isn’t super important but yeah, i’d like the help.

Category: Tags: asked October 16, 2013

5 Answers

You should, in some way, may it be text, email, in person or whatever, tell hims how you truly feel and where you would like things to go in regards to your relationship with him. Give him a few days to come up with an answer. If he still doesn't see it going any where move on. There is no need for you to continue playing this flirting game if he won't make any commitments. Still keep him as a friend and all, just don't waste your time liking him. There are plenty of other great guys out there.
If he doesn't do super well with conversation, maybe write a letter to him explaining how you feel? I know it can be hard, but I wrote an email to guy i was in-love with way back when, and when he never replied to this email, or acknowledged it, i knew my answer, and moved on. We were still friends afterward though, which was nice. But i think if he's hinting at things like marriage and kids, he's probably into you, but maybe not ready for a committed relationship- he could be scared or just wants to "experience" life before settling down with a girl. Some people feel tied down after a few months of being in a committed relationship with someone- especially if you're young. They might feel like they didn't get to party enough or just hang out with friends enough- and now all their time is taken by a job or school and a girlfriend, and suddenly theres not a whole lot of time for just them.Anyway, whatever the reasons, i think you should tell him, especially if you know he has the idea that you do like him in that way. It's not fair for you to be waiting and not know what he's thinking.
I think you should tell it to him. Don't let chances pass. Do something so you would know the truth, his answer. You don't want to let time to pass by and regret it afterwards right? You can do it. I will pray for you. :*
I honestly think that it is really sweet you've liked him for so long. I also think that if he is hinting at it and stuff that maybe you should bringing up this with him. He needs to put effort in to having a serious conversation with you in order for you to really understand what is going on.
Only way to truly know is to express how you feel. I understand that some people don't do as well with serious conversations; however by not saying anything you will definitely miss out and possibly live with that regret. Can you truly move on without knowing. If you express your feelings truthfully and nothing comes from it you will always know that you gave it your all! Good luck with everything.