Should i just give up?


So, i met this guy in 2011 when i was in 8th grade and he was in his senior year of highschool. I was just turning 13 and he was 17. We started talking over facebook and he was a really sweet guy. We didn’t meet until a year later, but in the mean time we texted each other every minute of the day and even over the summer. He took my heart away and he was the first guy to ever do that. When we first met, i had to sneak out of my house to meet him and we talked to eachother in his car. Of course, things happened and it was my very first time so i put a lot of trust in him. He wanted to go further with me but i didn’t let him and he respected that. We continued talking and meeting up with each other and he started going to college and that’s when we started getting a little distant. Everytime he comes back home he texts me and asks if we can meet up but it’s only for dirty stuff and i wanted more than to just be his rebound. He took my heart and everytime i try and forget about it, it just gets even worse. He hasn’t had a girlfriend since he’s been in college and i just want him to be comfortable with me. I have no clue how to feel at this point and i wish he would just be mine but he won’t give me a chance to show him that i can be a good girlfriend to him.

Category: asked June 15, 2013

3 Answers

sorry to say, but sounds like a classic example of how 99 percent of guys yhat age will do/say ANYTHING to get into a girls pants. Sounds like you are only a quick easy piece for him now. Guys thrive on the thrill of the chase. Virgin girls are quests to them. The simple fact alone that you had to sneek out if the house to be with him should have been a red flag to you. And , his car?? dang girl, ....but do take some comforg in knowing that your not alone,....what you discribed happens all the time ... unfortunately...besides its extreamly rare to stay with your first, so stop pineing and move on.
It's time to move on. You're both at different points in your lives and you deserve someone who is there for you in more ways than physically just some times.
You Really need to speak your mind and let him know.. because there nothing like be in limbo.. that will drive your nuts