Should I Have a Best Friend?


In school, I have had many close friends in the past and they have all let me down or I have ruined the friendship. Now I don’t even have friends, just many acquaintances and people I sit by at lunch so I wont be sitting alone. Is this healthy? I have strong friendships outside of school but none in school walls. Am I just not good at making friends anymore?

Category: Tags: asked February 21, 2014

2 Answers

Being too attached to one singular person can be risky. My best and only friend when I was 10 moved to Colorado, and I haven't heard from her since. For you, don't just sit next to these people at lunch. Attempt to engage in conversation. Try to get to the point that you can go out to see a movie with some of them over the weekend. But basically, the point is that whether you have one best friend or not is your choice. Sometimes it's not even a choice; sometimes it just turns out that there is one person that you adore dearly and end up hanging out a lot with and have a bunch to talk about, etc. However, best friend or not, you need to continue to develop strong relationships with your peers.
This is just how friends are, they come & go. There is nothing wrong with not have a close friendship with anyone. Don't become too dependent on having that close friend with you because you mostly need to think about yourself. I actually don't know anyone that i can call as a close friend either. They just drifted away from my life because of all the drama & i was just too tired dealing with it. Making new friends take too much work to maintain. They're fake & you don't really know that much about them. So i just decided to focus on myself for awhile & it helped me get a lot of things done that i couldn't when all my time was spent having fun with my best friends. Focusing on yourself helps a lot because you don't have to deal with the constant drama other people bring you. Actually having time to yourself if healthy. Plus you have strong friends outside of school, so you're not bad at making friends.