Should i go back to my ex?


i broke up with my ex because i was scared to commit, now there is a void that is telling me i miss her, but i’m only 20 so i have so much to see in my life, i dont really know what to do here. I love her but i dont want any regrets that i didnt see the world, doing crazy stuff like meeting female students at my uni

Category: asked June 13, 2013

1 Answer

you can't see the world and be with her? if being with her limits your growth, then no, don't be with her. people should be able to grow together. you're a young man...and unlike the average young woman, you aren't wired to want to settle down, you want to evolve and explore and learn new things that will lead to the maturity and sense of self necessary to make a commitment to another human being. if she is around the same age, she should do the same; if you can't do these things together with an open and active mind, then continue your time apart. if the love is that great, you'll make your way back together.