should i get help?


i have an eating disorder, i cut and have anxiety and multiple phobias. my friend said i should get help, especially since i moved and im starting at a new school, as a new freshman and my problems are only going to get worse…i dont want to get help but im wondering if i should..

Tags: asked August 24, 2013

4 Answers

You should definitely seek professional help. Having an ED, dealing with self-harm and anxiety, not to mention multiple phobias, is definitely a big issue, and it would be best, in my opinion, to try and seek a therapist or psychologist. There's nothing wrong with seeking help when you need it, these people just want you to be able to live freely, without negative, anxious, depressive thoughts plaguing you. They just want you to be in a state of good mental health and it will be a big weight off of you, I think, if you seek professional help. Even if you don't want to now, once you do you'll feel so much better, like you can actually live life, trust me. It's a gigantic relief.
I think you should get help too hun <3 especially if you know thins are going to get worse. None of this is your fault and its important that you know that and find out what is happening in your head because you have a right and need to know. Please stay strong and good luck in high school. Chin up beautiful <3
Getting help would be very beneficial for you love, even though you don't want to, I dare say you'll be very thankful you did in the end. It doesn't need to be a big deal, you could just talk to your doctor privately about seeing a counselor/psychologist and just having that person to help you sort things out and work on yourself regularly can make such a huge difference and feel okay about recovering :)
Here's the thing: If you don't want to get help, but you do anyway, it's a waste of time.
You need to want to get help before you get help. Because if you go to a therapist or a doctor or even a treatment center, you're not going to want to cooperate, you're not going to think it's necessary, etc. You can't get help until you want to get help, because when you want to get help, you let people in. You are willing to try and change and work for a better situation that what you're in.
So you either need to find a way to cope with your life and your struggles, if you really don't want help, or you need to change don't want into want and get yourself the help you need.
You're in for a hell of a ride this school year if you don't receive help.
Your anxiety will go through the roof which will just make your eating disorder stronger, as well as your self-harm.
If you don't want to get help because you're scared, or don't want to seem like a freak or whatever, you need to let go of that. You need to not worry about what others will think and focus on getting better. Therapy isn't as scary or as dull or as tedious as it's made out to be. Medication can actually be very helpful as well.
At least consider getting help, please. Your high school career is going to be long and difficult and unpleasant if you choose not to get help now.