Should I break up with my abusive boyfriend?


My boyfriend is somewhat abusive: he forces me to “make love” with him, makes fun of the things that make me happy, talks dirty about my family and hits me-sometimes to the point where I’m bleeding. I want to tell him that he’s hurting my feelings and try and give him another chance…but part of me just wants to break off the relationship completely. Should I give him another chance, knowing that my happiness is at risk, or should I break off the relationship, knowing that my life is at risk?(a little melodramatic-I know…)

Category: asked May 13, 2015

7 Answers

Hello Miss Annabelle, you did the right thing in reaching out.

Your boyfriend is not "simply" abusing you. Your boyfriend has been raping and beating you. Any forced sex act is rape under the umbrella of the law, and that is absolutely not okay. He does not respect your emotional or physical boundaries, and your safety is in jeopardy while you stay with him.

It is a common thought among abused S/Os (significant others) that if they "ride it out" that their loved one will "get better", or that they can "fix" their problem, but the reality is that abusers escalate, and it is the only sensible and responsible thing to do for you to get away from him and inform EVERYONE of what he has been doing. Do not keep it secret, nor allow him to smear your good name. Report your rape to the police and pursue criminal charges against him before he has the chance to rape and beat anyone else.

Often abuse victims' first instinct is to protect their abuser, as abusers tend to condition their victims to value them very highly, and even brainwash them into thinking they will never have any better treatment, or they will assume such responsibility over their victim in the form of bills and food that the victim relies on their abuser for their care. You must sever all ties with your abuser and get away as fast and as quietly as possible until you are in a safe place, then report your rapist to the local authorities.

If you'd like to discuss this any further, my inbox is always open at
Speak up! dont let anyone leaves marks on you! its your body you are in charge of it and have to protect it
from what i read you do not seem happy and there is no point in staying in this relationship. i understand you may love him but you must always love yourself. as yourself this...if he really loved would try to hurt you? yourself do let him hurt you anymore.
Break it off, lose all contact, block him and everything. You don't deserve to be abused nor be treated badly. You deserve better.
Definitely break it off. Chances are, he won't change, even if you tell him how you feel. Don't take the risk of letting him hurt you any longer.You deserve so much better than him. Once you find someone else who actually treats you like a human being, you'll be amazed, and you'll wonder why you ever put yourself through such an abusive relationship. Men and women are equals. It takes a lot to leave a boyfriend. But it's time you walk away with your head held high. You have the power to leave. He is the weak one. Don't waste your time on such an awful human being. You'll teach him a valuable lesson. Even so, it is not likely for him to change his ways. An abusive person can only decide to change on their own. At least you have the ability to decide to change your life for the better.
There are many things in a relationship that are worth waiting out and worth trying to fix. Abuse is most definitely not one of them. My personal opinion? Pack up and leave. Right now. Block him, delete him from social media, get a restraining order, take whatever precautions necessary to make sure he can't hurt you anymore. You may hesitate because you love him, but you can't simply wait for things to get better. You have to get out of there before you actually can't. Don't wait for him to change, don't wait for anything. Like Jonathan said, tell everyone you can what's been going on. Tell your friends, your family, get the police involved. But most importantly, make sure you get somewhere safe. Don't let him fool you with "baby you know I didn't mean it" or "you know how I get sometimes", sexual abuse and abuse in general are inexcusable and completely unforgivable. It's very unhealthy for you to stay around. Please, be safe and get out of there.
I think you can do both things. If you feel that you can't leave without giving him a chance to change, do it. But also do prepare your exit plan: this might involve telling your family, your friends in advance about what is going to happen and that you will require their support for this to truly be a clean cut. Or figuring out where you will stay if you live together, and how to move out swiftly without leaving anything you need behind.
For more on how to leave him and how to handle the weeks after, check what is advised in this letter: