Should a 25 year old have to ask his mom’s permison to do something?


My boyfriend is 25 and lives at home still. That doesn’t bother me. He does not have a job. That does not bother me neither because he just moved to a new town (where I live). What bothers me is that when I ask to see him or ask if he wants to go do something he always says I will ask my mom. I do not know what to do. I have asked him about it and he just said in case she needs me. Which does not make since because his mom is very young and works every day. I know he wants to see me so its not about not wanting to hang out with me because I have witnessed him asking her permission before. I am just at a loss because I do like him and he is a very sweet guy and he cares about me, but I am concerned about him needing to ask his mom to do things.

Category: asked January 21, 2015

2 Answers

Have you tried talking to him about it? When i was 20 and still living with my mom i always asked for her permission to go out and i had a really strict curfew and my friends would get annoyed cause they didnt understand why i would do that if i was an adult. I did it because i felt bad that i was living there not paying rent and the least i could do was respect her rules if that makes sense. Try talking to him, maybe it's something similar?
Letting a parent know what you're planning to do is not a bad thing but when it comes to permissions I must say that's not quite normal. A mother-son relationship can be complicated sometimes. I believe you should try to talk to him about this and maybe to his mother too. But remember these kind of things can be attached to some sensitive emotions.